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Weekly Inspiration

Notebook and Pen
Word of the Month


Faith Is Powerful

Mark 11:24


It is ALMOST Spring and if you are like most people, you are wondering where has the time gone. 

This year is moving so fast.

Believe and have Faith for everything you need and want.

You cannot change the trajectory of this year without FAITH.

Most people want to visually see change before they believe it can happen.  That is NOT Faith.  

True Faith is Believing things will change before you can see the evidence of change.

Faith Is: Being sure of what we asked for and certain about the realities we believe are true but cannot see with our physical eyes. 

Renew your mind by reading the following to yourself out loud every day.

  • Pray about all of your needs, desires and wants. Do not worry about the things you cannot change.

  • Invite others that you can trust to pray with you. You are not alone.

  • Remind and tell yourself often that things will get better.

  • Claim it and Name It.  Make a list and vocalize it every morning.

  • Be conscientious of your time and remove yourself from negative situations.

    • Take a Walk.

    • Read an article or two

    • Watch or Listen to an uplifting podcast or video

    • Do NOT STRESS! 

    • Have Faith and Believe.






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